気に入ったものを、長く大切にする。それがおしゃれの基本です。ほつれたら繕い、布を接ぎ、新たな美しさを見いだす。 手を重ねていくうちに愛着が深まって、センスも磨かれていきます。京都の絞り鹿の子商で修業を積んだ横田長左衛門が糸の製 造と行商を始めたのが明治34年のこと。 当時は木綿や絹に加え、モスリンや銘仙など、さまざまな生地が登場した時代でし た。 どんなに時代が変わっても暮らしを支えるのは手縫糸だと、横田夫妻が工夫を重ねて作り出したのが高品質の絹カタン糸 でした。 カタンとはコットンのこと。絹のような光沢があり、糸の通りがなめらかで、なにより丈夫です。夫妻は最高級品に 七転び八起きのダルマ印をつけました。 これが評判となって、「 ダルマの糸なら使って安心」と口コミで広まり、やがて どこの家庭でも裁縫箱にダルママークの縫い糸がおさめられるようになりました。それから一世紀以上。今もダルママークの 糸は、おしゃれを心から楽しむ方々の傍らにあります。 手から手へと伝わってきた信頼の印が、これからも細く長く愛されて いきますように。願いをこめて、今日も皆さまに喜ばれる糸を作っています。
Always keeping your dear ones near.
The story of Daruma thread.
"When you find something you like, take good care of it and use it for a long time"―this is the creed of the fashion conscious. If a thread comes loose, mend it. Sew fabric together and uncover a new form of beauty. As you put more and more work into something, you will feel your attachment to it becoming stronger, and your sensibility becoming more and more refined. It was in 1901 that Yokota Chozaemon, having trained in sales of the Kyoto art of Kanoko Shibori dyed fabric, began to make and sell thread. This was the time in which various fabrics such as muslin and meisen silk became available, in addition to the standard cotton and silk. Yokota and his wife believed that no matter how the times were to change, thread for hand stitching would always be an integral part of daily life. Based on this sentiment, they refined and perfected their product until they came up with a superb quality silk-cotton thread. It featured a glossy sheen like silk and a smooth texture, and most importantly was durable and strong. The Yokotas marked their excellent quality product with the symbol of a round Japanese doll known as a Daruma. They chose the Daruma to represent their brand due to its ability to "fall down seven times but get up eight." This idiom implies that success will be achieved with persistence. The logo was well received by the public, and word quickly spread that "Daruma thread can be trusted." Eventually, Daruma sewing thread could be found in the sewing box of any home. More than a century has passed since then, yet even today, people who truly enjoy fashion always keep the Daruma logo by their side. The reliability that this symbol represents has been passed down from generation to generation. We hope that the Daruma thread will continue to weave its way into the hearts of future generations, for many years to come. With this desire in the forefront of our minds, we continue working day by day to create the thread that our customers know and love.